Tag: plugins and hacks

  • First post?

    A typical first post for any blog. It’s probably a good idea to keep this short and sweet, but as the title of the blog suggests, this ‘site’ will be dedicated to tips and snippets relating to WordPress.

    It’s actually quite addictive hanging around on the WordPress Forums (especially the Plugins and Hacks part!) as people ask some very interesting questions there, which often make me stop and think – so is there already a solution?

    In some ways, I wish I was fluent in PHP and all that jazz, but perhaps this makes one more dedicated towards searching for a solution, rather than coding something from the ground up.

    Anyway, still want to say a big thank you to all the plugin authors (and people on the forums!) for offering such great solutions to problems! 🙂 Hopefully this site will be of some help to others as well.